Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mother's Day!

When you have a child, you get all excited about Mother's Day, until you realize that you're not your husband's mother, and a three month old child isn't going to be thanking you for anything any time soon. Of course, it's still all about your mom, so off you go with plant and card to see her. When, you wonder, will Mother's Day be about you?

This Mother's Day, after twenty of them, it was about me. Yay! I have to credit my daughter with choosing a college mere steps from Fenway Park, moving home on the proper weekend, and the Red Sox for opening the park for a Mother's Day Walk around the warning track. And yes, I DID call my mom on Mother's Day - lucky, lucky me!

Arriving on the warning track in the famous triangle area.

The center field wall (looking toward left) where Fred Lynn knocked himself out when he crashed into the concrete while going for a fly ball. It is now padded.

Okay, a plumber's family. Who could resist?

A warm Fenway welcome.

Manny's corner at the 310 marker.

On the third base line where greats Wade Boggs, Bill Mueller and now Mike Lowell patrol the field.

The closest we'll ever get to seats on the field.

Sitting in Terry Francona's seat. He has a great view of the field.


Faith Rewarded - mom too.

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