Saturday, March 15, 2008

Week 9, Thing 23 - Copyright, Creative Commons and Congrats!

Well - after I stopped laughing, I sent off the YouTube video to a college professor friend, the other librarians in my district and my college student. What a clever way to get the point across. I also visited the Creative Commons web-site and found ccLearn which is dedicated to extending open education resources to the teaching community. I loved the elementary magazine for elementary schools, Beyond Polar Bears and Penguins and will be sharing it with my teachers. Wow - there is SO much out there. I wish, I wish, I wish .... you do too I am sure.

So what were my favorite discoveries? Oh gosh - everything except Technorati. I loved the mashups and still play with them. I WILL work them into the curriculum! In the meantime, I will play with my hamster pictures. (By the way - five of the babies are placed so I have a lovely blue male named Fenway and a teeny-tiny female runt named Lily who will stay with me.)

Zoho Writer and had immediate use to me and my colleagues as we work on developing a K-12 library curriculum. Learning how to use a blog has been wicked fun and
perhaps I will become a library blogger for my students! Wikis were entrancing as well. I'm just going to have to stop there ... though I AM enjoying getting all the Red Sox news delivered to Google Reader.

Ah - life-long learning ... I strive to be open to new experiences and this course has been the swift kick in the pants that I needed to find the good and useful on-line. I didn't expect to like so much of what we did. It all sounded so dry when I read the CSLA introduction and 23 things seemed beyond my ability. I dragged my allegedly life-long learning feet to sign up. I am so glad that Kathy dinged me and signed me up by the skin of my teeth.

I don't know that I'd do anything differently ... I liked the freedom and the format ... but a real live meet the colleagues might be nice. Would I participate again - oh my, what a question! How many ways can you say absolutely, positively, without a doubt, YES!!!!

One word for this course ... empowering ... and isn't taking charge of our knowledge what it's all about?

Finally at the end. Yay and rats at the same time. A program like this forces me to look at new technologies and consider how they can make my job easier and be of help to my students. It also introduces me to cyber-colleagues who make my wheels turn. As I once said, we all have a lonely profession in that we are generally the only people in our buildings who do our jobs. No grade level meetings and common planning time for us. This becomes our common planning time. So thanks to all of you for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I have been enriched. Should you care to stay in touch, here's my e-mail:

1 comment:

LibraryStrong said...

I have enjoyed your postings, and your writing style. We've all learned so much. As you say, it sounded dry at first, but who knew!

By the way, years ago we had a gerbil couple who over 2 years had 81 babies. The male was black and white, the female brown and white. It was fascinating to see the combos. Sometimes the litters were so large, many didn't make it. We sold ours to pet stores or gave them to friends. Your hamsters are beautiful.